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Upgraded for Chapter 2

Completely overhauled XP table this season, the all new WilderPick increases levels as you mine blocks with it. Only the most dedicated players will reach max level and mine 1,016,046 blocks by season end. Will you?

  • Mending
  • [Upgradable]
  • Legendary Tool
  • Enchantments upgrade
    as you level-up
  • Blocks Mined: 0

  • Level: 0
    Next Lvl: 56
    -> Lvl 3: 449 (Iron)
    -> Lvl 4: 2,949 (Diamond)
    -> Lvl 5: 10,754 (Netherrack)
    -> Lvl 8: 57,584 (Fortune)
    -> Lvl 15: 229,294 (Fortune 3)
    -> Lvl 16: 260,514 (Netherite)
    -> Lvl 18: 496,110 (Unbreaking 7)
    -> Lvl 19: 756,078 (Fortune 4)
    -> Lvl 20: 1,016,046 (Efficiency 8)

Item Highlights

Level 4: Tool upgrades to a diamond pickaxe
Level 5: Can break netherrack (20% + level chance to count)
Level 15: Vanilla max diamond pickaxe
Level 16: Vanilla max netherite pickaxe
Level 19: Gains Fortune 4 enchantment
Level 20 (max): Insta-break most blocks (including hoppers, beacons and ores)
(Max levels are slightly better than vanilla MC, but require great dedication.)

Experience Table

As you mine blocks, the WilderPick gains levels. Each level automatically gains new enchantments and abilities.

Lvl Mined Unbr Eff Fort Effect
1 56 - - - Wooden pickaxe
2 125 - - - Stone pickaxe upgrade
3 449 - - - Iron pickaxe upgrade
4 2,949 - - - Diamond pickaxe upgrade
5 10,754 1 - - Can break Netherrack; (20% + level) chance to increment total mined
6 26,364 1 1 - +1 Efficiency
7 41,974 1 2 - +1 Efficiency
8 57,584 1 2 1 +1 Fortune
9 73,194 2 2 1 +1 Unbreaking
10 96,609 2 3 1 +1 Efficiency
11 120,024 2 4 1 +1 Efficiency
12 143,439 2 4 2 +1 Fortune
13 166,854 3 4 2 +1 Unbreaking
14 198,074 3 5 2 +1 Efficiency
15 229,294 3 5 3 Max vanilla diamond pickaxe
16 260,514 3 5 3 Max vanilla netherite pickaxe
17 301,134 5 5 3 Increases speed
18 496,110 7 5 3 Increases durability which decreases cost to repair via mending
19 756,078 7 5 4 Gain non-vanilla Fortune 4 enchantment
20 1,016,046 7 8 4 Instantly break blocks (including beacons, ores, and hoppers; excludes obsidian) when combined with Haste 2 beacon effect

Blocks that count towards level-up:

[stone, stone bricks, mossy stone bricks, mossy cobblestone, chiseled stone bricks, cracked stone bricks, smooth stone, cobblestone, granite, diorite, andesite, polished granite, polished diorite, polished andesite, obsidian, crying obsidian, netherrack, ancient debris, nether quartz ore, nether gold ore, coal ore, iron ore, gold ore, emerald ore, redstone ore, lapis ore, diamond ore, lapis block, iron block, gold block, diamond block, emerald block, netherite block, blackstone, polished blackstone, chiseled polished blackstone, cracked polished blackstone bricks, gilded blackstone, basalt, polished basalt, dark prismarine, prismarine, prismarine bricks, purpur block, purpur pillar, infested blocks, bone block, quartz block, chiseled quartz block, all terracotta blocks]

How to Get a WilderPick

1. Vote daily for a weekly chance at a WilderTool every 21 votes

2. Buy with WilderCoins at the WilderCoin Shop

3. Unlock from the WilderCrate using a WilderCrate Key

  • Mending
  • [Upgradable]
  • Legendary Tool
  • Enchantments upgrade
    as you level-up
  • Blocks Mined: 0

  • Level: 0
    Next Lvl: 56
    -> Lvl 3: 449 (Iron)
    -> Lvl 4: 2,949 (Diamond)
    -> Lvl 5: 10,754 (Netherrack)
    -> Lvl 8: 57,584 (Fortune)
    -> Lvl 15: 229,294 (Fortune 3)
    -> Lvl 16: 260,514 (Netherite)
    -> Lvl 18: 496,110 (Unbreaking 7)
    -> Lvl 19: 756,078 (Fortune 4)
    -> Lvl 20: 1,016,046 (Efficiency 8)

  • [Buy for 16 WilderCoins]
  • Efficiency V
    Fortune III
    Unbreaking III
  • [Upgradable]
  • Legendary Tool
  • Enchantments upgrade
    as you level-up
  • Blocks Mined: 229,294

  • Level: 15
    Next Lvl: 31,220
    -> Lvl 3: 449 (Iron)
    -> Lvl 4: 2,949 (Diamond)
    -> Lvl 5: 10,754 (Netherrack)
    -> Lvl 8: 57,584 (Fortune)
    -> Lvl 15: 229,294 (Fortune 3)
    -> Lvl 16: 260,514 (Netherite)
    -> Lvl 18: 496,110 (Unbreaking 7)
    -> Lvl 19: 756,078 (Fortune 4)
    -> Lvl 20: 1,016,046 (Efficiency 8)

  • [Buy for 64 WilderCoins]

Players Who Are Leveling

The top WilderPick users will automatically be listed here. (Updated every 30 minutes)




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WilderCrate Key

Unlocks 1 random WilderCrate Item from the chest at spawn.



Use coins to buy special heads and items at the WilderCoin shop in-game.
