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WilderForge 3.0

Updated Again for Chapter 2

The WilderForge allows you to reroll WilderTools into random new tooltypes, purchase colored netherite armor, apply particles to Wilder items, and apply a new enchant: magnetism!


Reroll 2 WilderTools as 1 New Type

New this season, the forge will always give you a new tool type from what you put in, so if you reroll two shovels, you will never get a shovel back, or a blade and a trident, you won't get either back. Nice!

Buy Colored Netherite Armor

Won't Burn in Lava, Either!

New this season, the forge allows you to buy enchanted colored netherite armor, looks like leather, acts like netherite! Colors will be updated throughout the season.

Apply Particles

Apply Particle Effects

New this season, the forge will always give you a new tool type from what you put in, so if you reroll two shovels, you will never get a shovel back, or a blade and a trident, you won't get either back. Nice!

Ruby Fragments

Finally You Can Use These!

The forge uses Ruby Fragments to upgrade items, add particles, apply enchants, and buy armor! In past seasons Ruby Fragments could be earned by attending a Ruby Dragon fight. We are currently working on bringing this event back to Season 2 in 2024!

Players Using the Forge

To show up on this leaderboard, simply use the WilderForge at spawn! (Updated every 30 minutes)

