Diamond Supporters

Monthly Subscription Perks

Support WilderCraft server development and get something nice for yourself! Both these subscription ranks offer a way to get monthly rewards and early beta access to new features still in planning and development stages.

Get Supporter Rank

EoT Bypass Book
  • [Server-wide booster]
  • Free /tp and /home
  • Lasts 1 hour
Supporter Party Box
  • [Start a Drop Party]
  • Sponges
    Rainbow Rockets
    Dungeon Run Keys
    WilderCrate Keys
    Party Host Head
  • Lasts 15 minutes
EoT Bypass Ticket
  • [Player booster]
  • Free /tp and /home
  • Lasts 1 hour

Green Diamond


[] prefix in chat
8x Dungeon Keys (monthly)
1x Head Bundle (monthly)
+8k Claim blocks (monthly)
3x WilderCrate Keys (monthly)
1x Goodie Box (created by staff each month)
2x EndRush Key (monthly)
2x Eye of Teleport Bypass Ticket (1 player, monthly)
2x Eye of Teleport Bypass Book (server-wide, monthly)
1x Dungeon Run Booster (server-wide, monthly)
1x Drop Party Item (server-wide, monthly)
• NPC at your shop plot (must be at least Treant rank)
• Access to special Discord channel (#supporter)
• Your head added to supporter area (at local spawn)

Thank You Supporters

Blue Diamond


[] prefix in chat
8x Dungeon Keys (monthly)
1x Head Bundle (monthly)
+5k Claim blocks (monthly)
2x WilderCrate Keys (monthly)
1x Goodie Box (created by staff each month)
1x EndRush Key (monthly)
1x Eye of Teleport Bypass Ticket (1 player, monthly)
1x Eye of Teleport Bypass Book (server-wide, monthly)
• NPC at your shop plot (must be at least Treant rank)
• Access to special Discord channel (#supporter)
• Your head added to supporter area at Spawn

Thank You Supporters

Purple Diamond


• [] prefix in chat
4x Dungeon Keys (monthly)
4x Head Bundle (monthly)
+1k Claim blocks (monthly)
• NPC at your shop plot (must be at least Treant rank)
• Access to special Discord channel (#supporter)
• Your in-game name added to supporter area at Spawn

Thank You Supporters

Updated on July 27, 2024 @ 12:32am