New Crate Item Idea


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by capndiln » over 4 years ago
Wildercoins are very powerful, but many players don't or can't participate in ruby dragon fights and dungeon runs, both regular ways to obtain wildercoins. My idea is for something similar to the diorite-not-alrite, but with ores.

The pick would work with any ore (so I guess it would have to be iron at least?), but with the chance of dropping a coin correlating to the rarity of the ore. Perhaps with emerald ore being like a 50% chance (maybe lower like 30%) and the rest in proportion, perhaps with very common ores being extra reduced/increased if necessary. 

Also, if possible, it would be a good idea to adjust rates in certain biomes, as bandlands have a crazy amount of gold ore compared to other biomes.

There are a few ideas I came up with for tradeoffs:
 - A limited durability pickaxe without mending, so it will eventually break and be gone
 - Similar tradeoff to the DnA, mined ores drop nothing or drop a wildercoin, so you lose the ores
 - Extra durability is removed when a coin is dropped, so getting the coin takes a little more of the durability than usual
 - Mining ore gives the mining fatigue status effect, possibly with duration scaled to rarity of the ore (coal results in much less fatigue duration than diamond/emerald)
 - pickaxe can't be used to mine anything but ores
 - pickaxe consumes xp for each ore mined

This tool would be in the wildercrate as a special item, not as a wildertool or vote reward.

Last edited: over 4 years ago

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