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Drops despawn before 5 mins


Joined: over 4 years ago
4 topics
6 posts

by TheCrunchyPasta » over 4 years ago

1. A one-sentence summary of bug: A few people have died and reported that their drops have despawned before 5 mins and when staff goes to check when they died their story adds up.

2. Priority to fix? Low/Medium

3. Which server? Cypress

4. Steps to Reproduce: Im not sure. I was called in to help after a player died and their stuff despawned.

5. Expected Outcome: They could get their stuff back because their items wouldn't have despawned.

6. Actual Outcome: Ther stuff despawned before 5 mins.

7. Proposed Fix (Optional): N/A

8. Notes (Optional): It is pretty rare. It has apparently happened only a couple times which is why the urgency to fix it is low/Medium. When we look up the death on /co l it gives us the time and then I looked at the time when he said his stuff despawned and it was less than 5 mins.

9. Screenshots (Preferred): N/A

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