An Introduction and Thanks


Joined: over 4 years ago
2 topics
2 posts

by _Vivy_ » over 4 years ago
Hi, I'm SwizzleC. So you might have seen me online for the past few weeks if you play in Willow and I just wanted to share my experience with the server for the short time I've played. I've only started playing Minecraft about a month and a half ago because a friend gifted me a copy of Java edition for my birthday. Wildercraft was probably the first server I hopped into and at first, things were pretty rough. I didn't know a thing about Minecraft and little did I know that the game was actually set in Hard Mode. Sooo it's pretty much a given that I struggled a lot. I was too shy to reach out for help in chat, and I mostly had to use google at every waking moment to figure anything out. I wanted to just quit the server and in turn Minecraft, but I met a player (I believe his name was JubeNoob) who was kind enough to give me starter gear and a few shulker boxes to get started. It might not have seemed like much to him back then but that boost was probably what kept me going and I've tried my best to learn from his example and help other players when they needed it. Eventually I sort of got the hang of things and developed a love for one aspect of minecraft: Aesthetic building. I say Aesthetic because my builds have no real use or function. My tiny brain can't comprehend redstone. I dislike fighting mobs, gathering materials, going into the nether, end looting, etc. But building new things just makes my day. I still have a lot to learn about the game and building, but I'm getting better (hopefully) Today I just finished building what should be my last build for this season and I guess I just want to say thank you to all the players who have been so nice to me and the admin/staff who have helped me when my builds were tampered with. I haven't had this much fun in a videogame in a very long time. I won't be starting any new projects on my own but if any community or town would be willing to have me I'd be glad to help them build something pretty :) I'll still be online.

Sayonara - SwizzleC

diamond.png x 1

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