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[Expanse] Delete unused claims


Joined: over 4 years ago
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by CAMx_ » over 4 years ago
Description: There is currently already an issue and will be more of an issue in the future with people claiming multiple areas and then leaving and never developing these areas, ie nether fortresses, guardian temples, etc.  I would like to implement a 3-6 month claim limit on undeveloped areas, so if someone hasn't developed the land or hasn't been on for many months and they have a claim that is undeveloped I would like for it to be unclaimed. This is almost only an Expanse issue, and can become more of an issue especially when 1.16 happens and only certain parts of the nether will have the new biomes and with my amount of claim blocks I could swoop in and take as many of these spots with no issue.

How difficult is your idea to implement? (2) Would mostly be players who are reporting unused claims.

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RE: [Expanse] Delete unused claims


Joined: over 4 years ago
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by Yacob1 » over 4 years ago
This would be nice for other servers also if undevelpoed land can be unclaimed by mods after 1-2 months of the player never coming back on. It is not that big of a problem but I just had it happen.

I know it wont be automated but if it can be a "rule" thing that mods are able to do it

Last edited: over 4 years ago diamond.png x 2

RE: [Expanse] Delete unused claims


Joined: over 4 years ago
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by No_L1fe_360 » over 4 years ago
I agree with you on your idea. I had a guy that had his stuff claimed on my claimed land. We need to make it where instead of it being 1-2 months, it should be 4-5 days.

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