

Joined: over 4 years ago
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by Sockbomb » over 4 years ago
So, I have come to the understanding, that many people on Wilder want a new event, so here's my pitch. I think, at the end of each season, everyone would go to a seperate world (a battlefield of sorts, floating in the sky, so people cant go straight down and mine with no consequence and keep the goods) with pvp and keep inv on (just for that time). They would all have trust, and two sides would be chosen.(Idk how you'd do that...) Everyone would just DUKE it out on this battefield, maybe being teleported out after dying a certain number of times (a sort of life system). The winning team might get a reward for the next season, to start them off. This fits in line with the theme of Wildercraft, becuase it encourages teamwork, and helps the community come together over one thing! I think this would be a hefty bunch to add, a comeplete and definite 10/10 difficulty, but I think it would be worth it!

RE: WilderWar!


Joined: over 4 years ago
5 topics
8 posts

by Wilzax » over 4 years ago
I like your ambition with such a big event, but I personally believe the competitive nature of such an event, especially the pvp, just doesn't fit with the rest of Wildercraft. None of the servers or minigames have PVP and the idea of even small arenas or duels have been rejected in the past. Factions and War may involve teams, but they are more focused on the "us vs them" aspect of teams.

Last edited: over 4 years ago

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