

Joined: over 4 years ago
2 topics
11 posts

by sisi7304 » over 4 years ago
Hi! I'd like to introduce myself now that I've become helper!

My name is Sarah S., although I'm sisi7304 in game, usually called sisi in chat. The numbers after my ign happen to be given to me due to the regular username "sisi" being taken. I'm 16 years old currently, I'm genderfluid, (that's why I change skins frequently in game and irl, I am called by different pronouns depending on the day), and a Junior (class of 2021) in High School in MA (Boston time zone). I want to be a microbiologist when I get to college, so I'm in multiple AP classes like biology and chemistry to help me with that.

I can be online, usually, after school (2 pm EST to 9 or 10 pm EST) and I love being online to help people, particularly newcomers, just as my friends helped me back when I joined this server in the middle/end of season 6. I've been playing Minecraft since some of its earlier days, 1.7 (forge and mods) or 1.8 and shortly afterward, I had taken a hiatus due to school work and not having a good computer (I have an excellent one now that runs smoothly at 40-60 fps whereas my old computer barely ran at 10 fps on a good day) to play on. I started back up playing when 1.12 and 1.13 was recent and joined this server in 1.14, season 6, as I have mentioned before. 

If you have any questions, I can help!

Last edited: over 4 years ago

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