A balance between claims for new players and greifing protection


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5 topics
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by Wilzax » over 4 years ago
Description: Claims are necessary to prevent griefing and there's been an uptick in greifing with season 7. Lowering the rank for claims from lightfoot to wanderer would shift the balance of greifing risk to overly claimed wilderness, so a middle ground is necessary. As it stands right now, claims never expire. Perhaps claims could only expire for Wanderers after 7 days of not logging in, and become permanent for lightfoot+, as it is right now.

How does this idea keep in line with Wildercraft themes? It reduces the load on mods for reversing greifing while preventing abandoned claims from making wilderness cluttered with abandoned builds over time.

How difficult is your idea to implement? (1-10) 4, as I don't know of a way to automatically remove claims when inactivity reaches a set threshold.

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