Allowing use of the mods Hwyla and MAmbience


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by MsPoffy » over 4 years ago
Hwyla (Here's what you're looking at) is a mod that points out the name of the block the player is looking at, that's it. It's fairly handy for people with reduced eyesight like myself as a lot of the time i can't tell whether a block im looking at is stone or raw andesite to name an example. You can get the same info with F3 (but slightly more difficult to read in my opinion), but I thought it could be a harmless and helpful aid.

MAmbience adds clientside atmospheric sounds depending what biome you're in, it's really immersive especially if combined with a pretty shaderpack hearing waves and seagulls by the water, better rain and thunder sounds during thrunderstorms, birds chirping in a forest etc. just as hwyla this adds no unfair advantage in any way, and is just something that i feel would enhance the survival minecraft experience.

How does this idea keep in line with Wildercraft themes?
Completely in line, MAmbience makes the survival experience more enjoyable without giving any advantages, hwyla just gives easier to read access to an F3 debug segment everyone already has access to.

How difficult is your idea to implement? (1-10)
1/0, Wilder doesn't need to do anything at all besides allowing the use of these mods to implement the proposed idea

Last edited: over 4 years ago diamond.png x 1

RE: Allowing use of the mods Hwyla and MAmbience


Joined: over 4 years ago
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by gplayer5 » over 4 years ago
This is probably something that the tech team can test. Depends on how it will be prioritized.

RE: Allowing use of the mods Hwyla and MAmbience


Joined: over 5 years ago
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by MsPoffy » over 4 years ago
Update: These mods are as of today allowed!

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