Players not being able too place blocks/move things in invs


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by Bluesnowflake » over 4 years ago
Title: players not being able to place blocks or move things out of their inventory
Summary: on redwood around 13:49 EST, 4 redwood players reported they couldnt place blocks or move items in and out of their inventories as the blocks wouldnt place and any items players tried to move would move back to their orginal position, similar to what happens in /o when you try to move blocks

Priority and Severity:
C, relogging solves the issue, but just wanted to make a note of it happening as we dont want this to develop into a serverwide issue

just redwood as far as i know, i asked around and no one on the other servers had experianced the issue

Steps to Reproduce:
unknown, it seemed to occur randomly, a player on redwood advised how to solve the issue as he had experianced it before suggesting is was not a one off

Proposed Fix (Optional):
not a clue, possible code bug (sorry red and coral :) ) 


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