Players can avoid losing items when dying


Joined: over 4 years ago
6 topics
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by Willblue18 » over 4 years ago
Players can avoid losing any items when dying in situations where they have enough time to log out before dying. When they log back in, if players die and respawn before their inventory has finished loading, their inventory will load after they have respawned, and they will avoid the consequences of dying. 

Priority and Severity:
B? It's not breaking the server, and seems mostly unknown to the players. 

Originally found on Maple

Steps to Reproduce:
Be in a situation where the player will die but can log out (Lava, Void, Mob attacks, etc.)
Log out before you die
Log back in
Die before your inventory has loaded, and respawn
Wait for inventory to finish loading
Player still has all their items

Expected Outcome:
Player dies and inventory gets dropped

Actual Outcome:
Player dies but keeps all of their items and experience. 

Proposed Fix (Optional):
Perhaps if players log out within a certain amount of time from taking damage, items are automatically dropped on the ground/player is killed. Or perhaps if player dies while inventory is loading, inventory should stop loading/staff is alerted someone died while inventory was loading. 

Screenshots (Preferred):
I don't have screenshots, but I have a video of the glitch happening here.

diamond.png x 1

RE: Players can avoid losing items when dying


Joined: over 4 years ago
11 topics
18 posts

by Makanaski » over 4 years ago
Thank you for the report willblue, although is a known bug, coral is taking a break right now and he cant really fix it.. but im pretty sure he'll fix when he's back!

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