Item disappears from inventory when teleporting to spawn


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12 topics
32 posts

by ralphiemac » over 4 years ago
Title: Item disappears from inventory when teleporting to spawn
Summary: If a player accesses their inventory and is in the process of moving an item when teleported to spawn the item will disappear. 

Priority and Severity:


Steps to Reproduce:
1.) Type /spawn while on redwood/cypress/maple/willow
2.) Access your inventory and click on an item (as if to transfer it to another container or move within your inventory)
3.) Keep it held until you are teleported to spawn

Expected Outcome:
The item either drops on the server you were originally on, or is placed back into your inventory. 

Actual Outcome:
The item disappears from your inventory and isn't dropped on the original server. 

Proposed Fix:
Make it so if a player accesses their inventory while waiting for the teleport, it cancels the tp to spawn


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