Infinite exp with WilderShears - lily pads, lilacs, cactus(?)


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by Mossum » over 4 years ago
Another way to get exp infinitely using Wildershears. This time with lily pads, you can break 1 and get 2 more in return and an exp bonus. Also, lilacs and rose bushes (two types of 2 high flowers) still drop exp, the flowers, and dye when broken with wildershears.
when a 2+ high cactus is broken at the base block it drops dye, cactus and exp, but technically the block thats being broken only drops dye and exp, so in order to get infinite exp you'd have to wait for it to grow.

Priority and Severity: B


Redwood and cypress

Steps to Reproduce:

1. use a (fortune 5) wildershears on lily pads, lilac, rose bush, or cactus. (for the 2 high flowers you must break the top half)
2. place the block you just harvested
3. repeat steps 1 and 2 for infinite exp

Expected Outcome:

 when the block is broken it just drops dye and exp

Actual Outcome:

The block drops itself and multiplies, allowing for an infinite loop of placing the block, breaking it and getting exp / more of the block.

Proposed Fix (Optional):

For the lily pads, I suggest making them drop either cactus green dye or light green dye instead of the block. For the flowers that havent been fixed, just remove all wildershears functionality from them. for cactus, its up to you whether its really a bug/exploit

Notes (Optional):

Cactus may not be an issue because you have to wait for it to grow in order to infinitely farm exp with it.
Coral and I tested all the possible plants compatible with wildershears, and the rest are fine.


diamond.png x 1

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