A change for rank perks. (Mostly Ferals and Wanderers)


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by Audrei143 » over 4 years ago
Recently ever since i became a helper I have noticed that alot of ferals wanted the freedom to be.. free, and of course with their current status and rank they wouldnt be able to do anything. And we can't just force them to vote if they don't want to, but with the situation for them they don't have a choice but to vote so that they can /sethome or even /claim.

What I want to change is how ferals can increase their /claim or even have the ability to /sethome which will allow them after sometime of playing on the server to be allowed to do these kinds of things in which this case, remove the skepticallity (idk if that's a word lol) of ferals "not knowing or understanding the rules".

And since wanderers are already able to /sethome for one home set  we can allow them to have two sethomes and /claim bonuses (maybe even just 50 blocks is enough for their small home.

The rest of the ranks will be able to get additional sethomes from what they are already allowed with ( same goes with bonus claims)

We could also set it so ferals can gain /claims for playing longer but with reduced bonuses like 5 blocks per hour or after certain in game days / weeks while wanderers gain normal amounts of claim accesible to them.

How will players benefit from this?
Players would benefit highly from this, especially ferals and wanderers because now we dont have to force players to vote just so they get /sethome perms. And we will be able to give them freedom to explore and have fun before they can think about voting or supporting the server because i feel like ferals are restricted to everything. The fact that they are new doesn't mean they are different from us.

How would it benefit wildercraft?
Since we are a community driven server, allowing them to be free is what will certainly improve cooperation and that most of these ferals come by in groups and that they just want to have fun, like everyone else. Allowing them to have claims overtime makes them think that we care for them and that in time they will learn to realize that they will understand how the rules and mechanics of this server works.

Scale of 1 to 10?

RE: A change for rank perks. (Mostly Ferals and Wanderers)


Joined: over 5 years ago
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by Awkwardbowman » over 4 years ago
Pros: Ferals are more likely to stay and keep playing when they have access to basic commands and whatnot to protect their stuff. 

Cons: They will claim land and most will never come back. That’s just a statistic of any server, that the majority who join don’t say (for various reasons). Look at any town, where they are given plots by town leaders. Even with that, they leave or don’t come back for other reasons. 

I’m all for giving them more capabilities to incentivize them to stay and play, but there needs to be a balance that prevents their claims from lasting forever and having staff doing constant clearing of 1 day claims. 

Plus, this server is completely free to play, where voting is how you can show support if you can’t donate. People will still need to vote to get enough claimblocks to be able to build/protect larger farms and structures, so giving a small amount likely won’t be an issue, but I would be hesitant to give them a lot. 

Most of this his comment is mainly for context of those who have not heard these arguments before, but this is my general understanding of our current system and why it is this way. 

Now for proposed improvements:
I can agree with sethome changes. Since eyes are hard to get, I can see this as being difficult to abuse anyway. As for claims, maybe something as simple as enabling their first claim to be made by placing a chest would be good enough for a feral. They would get one claim, they can’t move it, and it’s on their first chest. For a player that hasn’t done anything to support the server that seems decent. For a wanderer, perhaps allow them to have the base claim blocks, but do not allow it to increase until they reach light foot. Prevent playtime blocks from taking effect until that next benchmark. 


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