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Dungeon Run - First Door Blocked


Joined: over 5 years ago
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by Awkwardbowman » over 4 years ago
Title: Dungeon Run - First Door Blocked
Or more in general, doors are sometimes blocked.

Summary: a group did a dungeon run. they went to click the Hard door difficulty. The door opened but was immediately blocked.

Priority: C
Prevents players from entering the first room, but the game mode still gets set anyway. IE if they try to open hard and it's blocked, and then go to open Medium, they still get hard mode. 

Server: Dungeon Runs

Steps to Reproduce: 
Do a dungeon run
Try to open the first door.

Expected result: Door is open and you can go through and complete the room.
Actual result: Door was blocked and they had to pick a different route.

Proposed fix: Fix the bug where doors are blocked when opened.


RE: Dungeon Run - First Door Blocked


Joined: over 7 years ago
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by redbau » over 4 years ago
This is intentional behavior, but probably a bad luck to get for your first room.

I can think of a few interesting ways to solve this:
1) Have build team design a rooms for each theme, that's open on all 4 sides, and will 100% always the 1st door you open, every time (easy to do from my end, involves some work on build team's end for sure)
2) Identify each room from each theme, and list which door directions are blocked off, then add that to some kind of list in the code, and check that per room (kind of a lot of work on my end, and needs to be constantly updated)
3) Write some code to check which rooms have open pathways on all 4 sides and use those as the random first room (requires a lot of work on my end, but would auto update)

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