Misplaced obsidian door / stairway down to nether area broken*


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by Audrei143 » over 4 years ago
Title: Misplaced obsidian door / stairway down to nether area easily broken
Summary: A. Obsidian door that puts on the next area is slightly down one block, so when you click it, the entire room is shifted down one block.

                      B. Upon reaching the level 80's in dungeon run. you will encounter a nether staircase that goes down. and since the top floor obby doors are replaced with iron bars, people can easily break out of the map. You cannot do anything outside since you cant break blocks, but people can fall out of the map and die for no reason with those bars being put there.

Priority and Severity:

Dungeon Run

Steps to Reproduce:
Uncommon encounter while player normally.

Expected Outcome:

Actual Outcome:

Proposed Fix (Optional):
A. N/A
B. Replace iron bars in nether staircase with actual blocks

Notes (Optional):
All I did was play along, not doing anything weird. just happened out of the ordinary

Screenshots (Preferred):


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