Invisible Entities & Mobs


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by Swoven » over 4 years ago
Summary: Entities such as item frames, armor stands, mobs, etc are sometimes "invisible" and don't show up on Voxelmap or using F3 + B to see hitboxes - and you are unable to interact with them (armor stands and item frames)

Priority and Severity: B (semi-uncommon)

Server: Redwood (but I've heard on Cypress as well)

Steps to Reproduce: Not sure exactly what causes this to occur, it happened when I first logged on & again later randomly, they seemed to "disappear" even while standing in the area, but I could still hear my bird, yet they didn't appear on the Voxelmap. 

Notes: This happened to myself, but I wasn't going to write a bug report on it since it was already known & it was just me, but another player named qaladien experienced the same exact issue where all his item frames went missing. As a temporary fix, Richy had suggested to me earlier that I restart my entire client and see what that does - and they did reappear. So qaladien and I tried this again at his place. The strange thing is, they dont appear for anyone, but after leaving the area & relogging the client, they appear again. Sorry, no screen shots but it'd only be a before and after of relogging in and out of our clients.

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