No rewards from DungeonRun


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2 topics
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by Patykoksu » over 4 years ago

Title: No rewards from DungeonRun
Summary: No rewards from DungeonRun under special circumstances for players that made it

Priority and Severity:

Cypress and Redwood

Steps to Reproduce:
Host the DungeonRun with other players (start it with a key), die during the run , start second run (and die during the second run too, it doesn't matter if you start second run with another players and go solo,the death aspect alone I think is the cause)
Expected Outcome:
Players that made it through 100 rooms and beat Warlock from first run get rewards after being sent back

Actual Outcome:
Players don't get exp gained during the run nor EXP bottles

Found it out when I finished a DungeonRun with Sullay_  (on Cypress, 100 rooms on Brutal), which was hosted by Risqifyy. During the run Risqifyy died and went onto another run with MsPoffy, where both of them died (and I think Risqifyy hosted the second run too).

Haven't tested if not being a host of second run gives the same outcome.

To test it for sure Richy and I started test runs on Redwood.I hosted first DungeonRun (with his keys; 25 rooms, sewer theme, Brutal difficulty), died straight away and went to start a second DungeonRun (same setting), during which I died straight away too. After Richy completed the first run he haven't received any rewards.

All DungeonRuns have been on Brutal difficulty,although not sure if it matters. For sure number of max rooms in DungeonRun don't matter.


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