1.14.4 bugs, lag, and frustrations


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by redbau » over 4 years ago
Mojang released 1.14 on April 23 and it was basically unplayable due to game-breaking bugs.

Now, here we are 3 months later still dealing with many of the worst issues like:
chunk loading/unloading errors (causing people to fall out of the world)
• extremely limited view distance (to mitigate crashes)
• chunk unloading causing memory leaks and crashes
• extremely high mob cap rates due to chunk unloading errors
• high mob rates and likely causing mob/entity lag and greatly reduced TPS (ticks per second, 20tps is smooth, 10tps is laggy, for example)
• plugins take a while to get updated, so newly released plugins are inefficient, prone to memory leaks, and drag down the whole server — many of which we rely on for core survival functionality

These issues are beyond our control. We can try to bandaid temporary solutions by adding odd plugins, spending a lot of time writing custom code, or we can wait for Mojang to release 1.15 and hope these issues are addressed and resolved in the next major game update. I remain hopeful in the Mojang team and am grateful for our community of understanding players.

So with this in mind, we'd like to hear from you. What can we do to make the server more stable, reliable, or improve your gameplay and WilderCraft experience?

Please share your ideas & feedback below!

Last edited: over 4 years ago

RE: 1.14.4 bugs, lag, and frustrations


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by Gordonade » over 4 years ago
Adding Optifine custom codes and features into server side:
- Decrease lag spikes and smooth gameplay
- Smart Advanced OpenGL
- Chunk loading control
- FPS control
- Variable render distance

This ideal i will rate 10/10 extremely hard to modify for sure and i dont think it even possible to do that but hopefully u guys can figure it out 

Last edited: over 4 years ago

RE: 1.14.4 bugs, lag, and frustrations


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by Qaladien2 » over 4 years ago
  1. Charachter / Server Backup - N days backup cycle - stored in AWS cheap storage
    1. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/serverrestorer.48853/
  2. Empower mods to help users with item restore
    1. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/restore-inventory.24096/ (old version but I am sure there are similar ones out there)
  3. Command Line to open a ticket
    1. /ticket
      1. Sends:
        1. UUID
        2. Server
        3. Location
        4. Can be passed via POST to a form
  4. A monthly newsletter
    1. Improve sense of community and improve communication
  5. Crowd source documentaion projects
    1. Better turn around instead of mods trying to complete large projects
  6. Feedback cycle should be closed loop
    1. To me everythign is a ticket so it should have a status
      1. Open
      2. In Review
      3. Added to Backlog
      4. Reviewed - Closed
      5. Implemented

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RE: 1.14.4 bugs, lag, and frustrations


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by Awkwardbowman » over 4 years ago
"extremely high mob caps"

Just saying, I'm personally fine with the high mob cap. It feels a lot more like single player mode, which is awesome for a number of things. It does make it a little harder for new players when they start, but I don't think that goes against the survival feeling (and it would be resolved anyway when the wilderwarp works again).

RE: 1.14.4 bugs, lag, and frustrations


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by gplayer5 » over 4 years ago
I honestly didn't know that the higher mob cap was due to issues within Minecraft. Personally, I love the fact that there's a higher cap. It allows mob farms to work more effectively and it makes the game more challenging. 

Last season you could go ~20 minutes without seeing a single mob (yes, I personally timed it). In the current season, you have to actually watch out for mobs and fight to survive. I definately would say that is in line with the survival spirit.

RE: 1.14.4 bugs, lag, and frustrations


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by redbau » over 4 years ago
The issue is the mobs don't unload when you leave the area — and that lags and leaks memory over time.

RE: 1.14.4 bugs, lag, and frustrations


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by gplayer5 » over 4 years ago
"The issue is the mobs don't unload when you leave the area — and that lags and leaks memory over time."

Ah ok, I understand. So the issue is with despawning mobs, not necessarily the total mob cap. Well hopefully they fix it in 1.15, but still keep the higher number of mobs.

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RE: 1.14.4 bugs, lag, and frustrations


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by Calypdys » over 4 years ago
Hey guys! RARoadkill and I have been talking about ways we could improve the server lag. We both have run servers in the past and have had to deal with lag before and it’s a really hard problem to fix. So we get it!

DISCLAIMER: Our ideas are not going to make you happy. Debugging a server is time consuming and difficult but hopefully short term sacrifices can lead to a better playing experience overall. This would require a lot of patience from everyone without a guarantee of clearing up all lag. This would also require everyone working together as a community and staying positive. 

So here are our ideas:
  1. Announce a day dedicated to finding and hopefully fixing the lag issues. This means that on this day the server will be reset often and not to count on anything being saved that day, such as personal projects. 
  2. ALL plugins except for grief protection plugins need to be disabled. This does include the shop plugin, so shops will need to be temporarily shut down and secured. 
  3. Now that all plugins are disabled (except griefing plugins) we can get a baseline for how vanilla Minecraft is running: how does it compare to the current lag levels. 
  4. Assuming that Minecraft is running better we can now start reenabling plugins one at a time. For example, re-enable the shop plugin and see if there is an increase in the lag. If there is lag disable the plugin again and add it to a list of plugins causing the lag issues. If this is a custom plugin hopefully changes can be made to improve performance of the plugin.
  5. Once all plugins have been tested we can determine which ones we can still use, which ones need to be fixed, or which ones will need a new version from that plugin’s developer. 
If we do all of this and the lag is still intense then we may need to look into plugins that can hopefully assist with this such as a plugin called “ClearLagg” or something similar. Again, this is not a quick and easy solution but it does provide the most information about what could be causing extra lag. 

We love this server and the community and want to see it running better than ever!

Last edited: over 4 years ago

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