Ideas and Suggestions for the Expanse


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by FalseIokkon » over 5 years ago
Hello, FalseIokkon here with a couple of ideas, suggestions, and complaints I’d like to speak about on the Expanse server.

Firstly, the /search$ [item name] command does not work on the Expanse. Is there anyway that this could be looked at, and possibly added, in the upcoming months? This is incredibly important and useful for Expanse players, as knowing who to contact on items, prices, restocks, shop location, etc. is difficult, as there are only a handful of players on at any given time.

Secondly, I would like to put forth a request on changing the rules of pistons, but only on the Expanse. Currently, pistons do not work outside of claims on both Wildercraft and on the Expanse. On Wildercraft, this is not much of a problem, as the number of claim blocks are greatly increased depending on your rank, and how much time you have logged in. On the Expanse, however, claim blocks are much harder to acquire (as rank benefits do not apply), and as such, pistons are only viable in a select number of places. I feel as though pistons should be allowed to move blocks anywhere on the server, regardless of whether they are in a claim.

Thirdly, while the Expanse boasts of 0 resets, regardless of updates or season changes, I feel as this should not apply to the End. While the number of players is limited on the Expanse, resulting in a reduced demand for rare items like Elytras and Shulker Shells, these items are extremely difficult to find and will quickly be taken by other players. Hence, I feel that the End should reset once a month. Another alternative might be an always stocked “server shop”, that contains these rare items for a slightly higher price. Ensuring that this shop will always contain limited items will mean that the world border will not affect players as much as before (even if the world border is expanded by 10k).

Fourthly, I would like to suggest a public message board where all players are entitled to post “advertisements” (via signs). This could be a startup town, a job request, a new shop located outside of spawn, grand openings of new bases, etc. Perhaps to go even further, we could have different sections of the board dedicated to different messages. For example, a section dedicated to job requests, and another section dedicated to shop locations.


Last edited: over 5 years ago diamond.png x 1

RE: Ideas and Suggestions for the Expanse


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by lLOMlLO » over 5 years ago
Hey false, I'm going to address everything you said 1 by 1, so here goes:

1) There are no commands on the expanse because it is a vanilla experience. This is why /search$ doesn't work on it.

2) Pistons needing to be claimed serves a few purposes. For one, it keeps people from being griefed with pistons. Anyone could make a machine that can travel and move blocks that are claimed, which could ruin someone's build or break their things. Another problem is that people could travel using flying machines which are not currently allowed. 

3) The end does get reset, however we're waiting until we update to 1.14 and expand the map by 20k before we reset it. The resets on The Expanse are not as frequent, there will always be months inbetween resets in The End. 

4) I think this is a nice idea, maybe we should set up a news board in the nether hub?

RE: Ideas and Suggestions for the Expanse


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by FalseIokkon » over 5 years ago
1) The expanse is still a semivanilla experience. Shops, claims, no creeper explosions, no pvp, etc. And yes, while these are essential to maintaining a public server, small addons to the chat to make player life more convenient don't seem like a bad idea, in my opinion. Of course mods get final say.....

2) Yes, people can get griefed by pistons, however the Expanse are only for people who have consistently been voting for TWO weeks.  Furthermore, claim blocks are incredibly difficult to come by in the Expanse which means even if we DO want to claim land to prevent people from getting griefed, we can only do this for a free select areas. This means that if a person wants to grief a base, it wouldn't be that hard for them to find a large base with a majority of it unclaimed, and completly destroy it. I mean do have a giant Minecraft map of the Expanse that's public to all players regardless of whether or not they're even allowed on the Expanse....

3) A total of 30k 30k area for the end isn't enough to keep players "happy" for MONTHS. A SINGLE player with enough experience could easily cover a 5k, 5k area in a day, and if you have a team of players, well you get the idea. Super rare item like Elytra will become super expensive

4) maybe? 

RE: Ideas and Suggestions for the Expanse


Joined: over 5 years ago
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by 007Alex » over 5 years ago
personally i would like no end reset and border in the end to around 50k or something

edit:  i mean i just found an elytra the other day and end has been open for months now.   expanding by 10k each direction literally multiplies the area of city spawing by like 8

Last edited: over 5 years ago diamond.png x 1

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