Requesting An Announcement For A Player Hosted Event


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35 posts

by MidVix » about 1 year ago

So you are hosting an event on Wilder, that's great! To have more players know about the event you are hosting, you can request to have an announcement made for it on the discord

To make an event announcement, players will need to know some basic details: 

Title: What's the name of your event?

        Example: "Medeival Build Competition", "Sewer Maze Escape", etc. 

Description: Tell us what your event is. What's the premise? What are players supposed to do?

        Example: "Each player will be assigned a build plot with provided materials. They will have 1 hour to build according to the Medeival theme. Once complete, each build with be judged and a winner decided", etc. 

Date: Either 1.) What day and time (in EST) the event is being hosted or 2.) How long the event is running for?

        Example: "Saturday, Janurary 30th at 3 pm EST", "from 1/29 at 3pm EST to 1/31 at 3pm EST", etc. 

Where: Where is the event being hosted?

        Example: "Evergreen", "Cedar", etc. 

Who: Who made/is running the event? Who should players ask regarding questions?

        Example: "ImNotGonaTellYa", "Harmoneq and Rosinasai", etc. 

Prize: What is the reward for completing or winning the event?

        Example: 5 diamond blocks, an elytra, etc. 

You can either type up your own custom announcement using this information and ask an event team member to post it, or you can send an event team member the basic information for your event and we will type a standard message for it. 

An example of a complete announcement (with the key information highlighted) is below: 

"Hey folks! Vene31 is hosting a Medieval Build Competition on Cedar this Friday, 1/29, at 3 pm EST. Each participant will be assigned a build plot with provided materials, and have 1 hour to build according to the medeival theme. Once complete, each build with be judged and a winner will be decided. The winner will receive 10 diamond blocks and a max enchanted elytra. For any questions, please contact Vene31. Thanks and see you there! 

You are also allowed to request one picture to be posted with the announcement, but it must be relevant to your event. It can be a picture of the event, an infographic describing the event, or another image to help advertise the event. 

Remember as well that all announcements must follow the rules of WilderCraft (don't mislead players, PG chat, etc).

If you have any questions or want to request an event, feel free to contact TungstenDiOxide_ or another event team member on our discord.


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