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Free TP hours weekly


Joined: over 4 years ago
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by PetrieDysh » about 1 year ago

I'd like to suggest/request a couple of hours weekly that give free TP time.  My main reason for asking is I love to base hop and check out all the builds people are working on.  with EOT being so rare now, this is a lot more difficult.  So if we had a couple of hours, say on Saturday 12-2 pm or something, where TP were free, we could jump around and check out some of the bases.

Benefit to the community is the ability to apprciate and share what we all spend our time working on.

RE: Free TP hours weekly


Joined: over 3 years ago
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by xHerobrine » about 1 year ago

Rather than this eots should simply be made more common, in a way that isn't farmable. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this should be done by giving players a set amount of eots per vote (based on voting level). This wouldn't flood the server with too many eots but it would give everyone their own small amount of tps to use each day, instead of having some players with no eots for potentially a whole week and others who have stacks of eots from farms. 

RE: Free TP hours weekly


Joined: over 4 years ago
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by Tolcum » about 1 year ago

There's now an item that can enable a free hour of TP on the server. Occasionally Red will pop one off himself, and if you wanted to organize base tour hours, I'm bettering someone could be convinced to part with one or have one popped by the server as a "tour event" or something. This was a great idea, thank you for it!

Last edited: about 1 year ago

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