New Wilder Item Idea: Pocket Shulker!


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by xHerobrine » over 2 years ago

The Pocket Shulker is a shulker that you can open without placing by right clicking it in your inventory. This essentially makes it a backpack, something many players have wanted. To make this more balanced the Pocket Shulker could have limited space, like maybe perhaps just one or two rows of inventory as opposed to a shulker's normal three. 


RE: New Wilder Item Idea: Pocket Shulker!


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by Tolcum » about 1 year ago

This is an interesting idea that seems to be inspired by the plugins on other servers that allow people to access a shulker's inventory by right-clicking on them when they are in the player's primary hand. Unfortunately, it also sounds like the use case for this is pretty limited. Is there a case where this would be helpful outside of Spawn? Maybe just in another person's claim if you're doing a hand-to-hand trade? In cases where trades aren't a simple stack or shulker of items, I have met people at my shop plot to make things simpler. The obvious issue there is not everyone has a shop plot.

At any rate, the team did discuss adding more shulker unloaders and e-chests around spawn for convenience and to facilitate more complex trades. This is especially important while lower ranks don't even have a shop plot to place their shulkers in if needed. I'll try and track this with the build team and let you know when they are able to get some added! Thank you for the thoughtful idea, but a specific item like this seems like a lot of work for a fairly limited use case, so it's not going to be recommended./

RE: New Wilder Item Idea: Pocket Shulker!


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by xHerobrine » about 1 year ago

This... was not inspired by other server plugins. Nor is this just for easier trading at spawn... It's basically a backpack. A simple idea to increase inventory space for all around convenience, when doing generally anything and you have a full inventory and don't want to constantly place down and pick back up a shulker to swap out items. In my case it would be for building, because oftentimes I don't have enough inventory space for all the blocks I'm using. 

Please, more shulker unloaders and e-chests at spawn are not going to supplement what this idea is for.

Last edited: about 1 year ago

RE: New Wilder Item Idea: Pocket Shulker!


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by xHerobrine » about 1 year ago

To add to this, first, the pocket shulker wouldn't neccesarily have a smaller than normal inventory. I just suggested that because I thought players might think this to be too OP, but apparently that isn't the case so the pocket shulker could very well have a normal sized inventory.

Second, you might think this only saves a few seconds from not having to put down and pick up a shulker, but if a player has a full inventory and is consistently going back and forth with stuff those "few seconds" can add up to a lot. Personally when I'm really in a building session I constantly fly back and forth between my chests to get stuff which gets tedious real fast. Even for other players though, I know some players have cluttered inventories they don't bother to empty out and this idea would be extremely useful to them. This is especially true if a player has multiple shulkers worth of stuff and has to look through all of them one by one for something.

Third, I understand players might think the pocket shulker isn't needed because the void shulker already exists, but the two serve sort of opposite  purposes. The void shulker automatically picks up items on the ground without needing to place it, while the pocket shulker allows a player to take items out of it without needing to place it. They both can serve different scenarios and have their advantages. 

Also I have to ask because of the discord discussion, if the void shulker only picks up items off the ground what makes that so much more useful than the pocket shulker could be? Personally I think the pocket shulker would be way more useful than the void shulker... Even if it weren't though, wilder items don't have to be super useful. I mean, just look at the bird whistle. 

Last edited: about 1 year ago

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