Adding Support for Teleporting Horses


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2 topics
5 posts

by FalseIokkon » over 5 years ago
As we all know, gunpowder is fairly hard to come by, and results in fireworks being a pricey item to obtain in bulk on Wildercraft. As a result, many players, including myself, resort to long horseback journeys when needing to go from point A to point B, in an effort to save fireworks. And with the exciting new expansion of the world border, Season 6 will no doubt be filled with races to find rare structures all across the world. However if you plan to use horses as your main means of transporation, you will come to realize that you will need to bring your prized horse all the way back to your base which could take hours depending on how far you've traveled. As a result, I will like to put forth the idea of being able to teleport your horse with you, much like being able to teleport a parrot with you, as long as you are riding the horse. In addition to this, perhaps the idea of being able to teleport entities with you should also be added, as long as the entity is attached to you with a lead.As we all know, gunpowder is fairly hard to come by, and results in fireworks being a pricey item to obtain in bulk on Wildercraft. As a result, many players, including myself, resort to long horseback journeys when needing to go from point A to point B, in an effort to save fireworks. And with the exciting new expansion of the world border, Season 6 will no doubt be filled with races to find rare structures all across the world. However if you plan to use horses as your main means of transporation, you will come to realize that you will need to bring your prized horse all the way back to your base which could take hours depending on how far you've traveled. As a result, I will like to put forth the idea of being able to teleport your horse with you, much like being able to teleport a parrot with you, as long as you are riding the horse. In addition to this, perhaps the idea of being able to teleport entities with you should also be added, as long as the entity is attached to you with a lead.

Also sorry if i repeat myself. I just typed this up in one go and didn't really bother to proof read it..... my bad

Last edited: over 5 years ago

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