Wilder Boat


Joined: over 3 years ago
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by xHerobrine » over 2 years ago

The Wilder Boat. A boat meant for land instead of water, goes up blocks like a horse, and rides as if it's constantly on ice. 

This is a complete joke idea and I will laugh if it makes it actually becomes real. 

diamond.png x 2

RE: Wilder Boat


Joined: over 4 years ago
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by ML_Paladin » over 2 years ago

You level it up by riding it around and eventually after 1 million blocks travelled you can fly with it.

Last edited: over 2 years ago diamond.png x 1

RE: Wilder Boat


Joined: over 2 years ago
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by frendito_burrito » over 2 years ago

ok but now I want a real WilderBoat. 

  •  Speed and and fishing enchants that level up with use (heh, speed boat)
     Storage space
  • Radar to gauge depth and notify you if there's a structure within...let's say a few chunks. A yes/no deal, not coords. Could check for specific block type (empty chest, dark prismarine/sponges) to determine whether it's worth swimming down
  • Lets you sleep in the boat to avoid mobs and maybe set your spawn while exploring
  • a water breathing/night vision effect with x-coords restricted to a small radius around the boat but ignoring y-values
  • anti-slip grip for ice-boating to prevent flying off the track
  • when placed on land, could attract mobs you're trying to catch unless there's only one seat left

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