Wilderaxe Revamp


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by xHerobrine » over 2 years ago

The Wilderaxe needs some changes, much like the Wilderpick had.

Right now the enchantment upgrades come way too slowly, and it's simply not worth it to level. To reach just a normal max vanilla axe requires over a dozen hours of chopping away with it, and getting to level 20 would take a ridiculous amount of time more. The Wilderaxe should be revamped so it reaches max vanilla at a lower level, same with the above-max Efficiency and Unbreaking upgrades.

Higher effiency levels should be the main focus of the upgrades for the axe too, instead of the multi-chop feature, with an Efficiency 8 upgrade as the final goal for the Wilderaxe. This way, the axe will be more useful in general rather than being so centered around chopping down trees. With this in mind, the multi-chop feature should just be done away with entirely.

The multi-chop feature is cool and all, but how often do players need it to harvest logs?

Extra chopped logs dont factor into the count, and aside from chopping down trees to harvest logs quicker I don't see any other purpose the multi-chop feature serves. So what if I can chop 4 logs at once? There's no point in having such a perk after I've already harvested countless chests of logs from the process of levelling the axe up to get to that level.

Aside from that, there are a couple other smaller changes I'd like to suggest.

1. Remove the leaf block drops. I've already mentioned this in the crate feedback channel, but the leaf drops are honestly a little annoying. If players need leaves they can simply take shears and insta-harvest a ton. There's no reason to have the leaves drop as a block, it just fills up the inventory unnecessarily and gets in the way.

2. Give the axe a leaves insta-break upgrade. This would allow the wilderaxe to break leaves instantly, allowing players to reach logs blocked by clearing leaves faster or just let them clean up the floating leaves around them quicker and more conveniently.

I understand this is changing the WilderAxe a lot, but I think it's required in making the axe more worth it to use and level. It's current features and perks are simply not something a majority of players would need, and I think these changes are completely reasonable to request.

Last edited: over 2 years ago

RE: Wilderaxe Revamp


Joined: over 3 years ago
1 topics
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by Khalil4 » over 2 years ago

I agree! Leaf blocks are very annoying, Im always throwing them out my inventory

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