Modded Tree Servers?


Joined: over 2 years ago
4 topics
4 posts

by Avux_ » over 2 years ago

As usual, near the end of the season players start dropping out of the server. Most of them go to Skyblock or Expanse, and, when it drops, Beta. Another idea could be modded tree servers. With mods like Biomes o' Plenty and Farmers Delight, we could have a seperate world that has the classic survival experience, but it isn't pure survival. I believe this might attract new players, and give bored players a new thing to do while waiting for new seasons.  We could have new biomes, items, even dimensions! We could have QoL mods like Just Enough Items and AppleSkin, and lag reducing mods such as Clumps. We could have seperate trees like Redwood, Willow, and Cypress (new tree names anyone?) or one singular Great Tree server. 



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