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New Rank - "Old One"


Joined: over 4 years ago
40 topics
59 posts

by capndiln » over 2 years ago

My idea is to add a new rank possibly called "Old One" which would come after ancient. There are currently at least 30 players who have over 800 votes, and 11 players with over 1200 votes which is my proposed votecount for this new rank. The previous 3 ranks (ancient, elder, collosal) require about 1.6 times the votes for the previous rank to be earned, so this is close to that at 1.5 times the previous vote level. 

Rewards for this rank would include more claim blocks, more sethomes, and possibly increased chances for special vote rewards.

other potential rewards for this rank could inlude a reduced wait time for teleports or maybe an additional "ancient warp".

I propose the color for this rank would be red.

Very open to discussion and suggestions.

diamond.png x 1

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