Wilderspade Adjustment


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by Awkwardbowman » over 2 years ago

The wilderspade is pretty neat. It has some interesting drops, it feels decent to use, it's got faster speeds cause of the extra block breaking... but it also has extra block breaking...


While that's nice most of the time, it can be really annoying when the extra block that gets broken is below the block you were targeting. This makes it VERY difficult to use the spade to clear out areas to a flattened level. You'll constantly make potholes for yourself that you can fall in and will need to fill in. 


Can it be adjusted where the Wilderspade does not break any extra blocks that are at a Y level below the target block? Or below the player? Either one would work. It's a nice feature, but it is fairly irritating when you want to use the spade for anything except blanket mass destruction of blocks.

diamond.png x 1

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