Unable to access all other worlds


Joined: over 3 years ago
1 topics
1 posts

by PixelbrainUK » over 2 years ago

1. A one-sentence summary of bug: Unable to warp into any other world, using /go or /$ {PlayerName} or /spawn etc.

2. Priority to fix?
(expected) High

3. Which server?

4. Steps to Reproduce:
Use any warp/teleport command to go to another world.

5. Expected Outcome:
Be teleported after 10 seconds.

6. Actual Outcome:
You do not warp and receive the error message: "Kicked whilst connecting to {worldname}: You are not whitelisted on this server!" where {worldname} is the world you are trying to access.
However you do get the "<< {playername} has traveled to {worldname}" in chat.
And if you move after the failed warp you get the standard "[Warp] Cannot move during traveling"

7. Proposed Fix (Optional):
I assume it's related to the warp addon(s) not working in 1.17?

8. Notes (Optional):
I've seen Ancient, Mythic and Pathfinder players all experience the bug.

9. Screenshots (Preferred): 

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