Item grab


Joined: over 3 years ago
1 topics
1 posts

by Buk_Shot » over 3 years ago

1. A one-sentence summary of bug: You can grab an item from a chest that you are not supost to be able to grab.

2. Priority to fix? High

3. Which server? Spawn

4. Steps to Reproduce: Open the chest you want the item from and hover over the item then shift click the item and immediately close the chest.

5. Expected Outcome: For me to have the item in my inventory and not be able to use them.

6. Actual Outcome: I was able to use the item ti some extent.

 Proposed Fix (Optional):

Notes (Optional): When opening the same chest the item in your inventory disapears and you can only move the item in your inventory with shift click

9. Screenshots (Preferred): Screenshot (69)Screenshot (70)

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