[feedback] Skyblock server


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by Vhista » over 3 years ago

With Skyblock not having shared ranks and having its own ranks/vote rewards WilderSky should be its own server, I feel the design and ideas that's gone into it makes it a unique Skyblock experience and currently not being put into the light.


I've played on a few large Skyblock servers and either most of them have the same plugins and set-up a few shine and give a nice twist on the skyblock game type and I feel that WilderSky does that.


Thus advertising it with the survival server and not putting a light to it (spawn doesn't highlight the servers you have its designed for the tree survival servers) I feel you should go back to using the hub for new players and showing the different servers you have to put the servers into some light or advertise it as it's own server and gain people looking for a Skyblock server.


To summarize:

I feel Skyblock can do better than it currently has, you need to either advertise it as it's own server or go back to the hub (maybe a redesign to the hub) to promote the different servers you have and combine the many tree servers into survival.


- Vhista

Last edited: over 3 years ago

RE: [feedback] Skyblock server


Joined: over 5 years ago
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by Vhista » over 3 years ago

I'm going to continue to post feedback on Skyblock here rather than spamming the forums.



So I've been playing fully for about a week and about 5ish hours or more a day and here is my complaints and what I like about the server.


First the complaints.


1) Spawn/the hub is dead, unless you have a skycrate key theres nothing to do at spawn (I know your working on some things), there's too many NPC's that do nothing but they could do something, example selling meat/mob drops to the butcher, selling fish to the fisherman. You could also get "quests" from the NPC's as well.

2) You have an auction system but a player shop system being planned as well? I'm currently not the right rank to access the auction but if it's what I think it is where players sell things on the auction house then doesn't these 2 systems clash? I also think any rank can access the auction house and buy but you need a certain rank to sell.

3) Teleporting to other players islands shouldn't be free like it is currently, it should have some kind of cost making teleporting to someone have to be worthwhile or you can meet at the hub and do business there.

4) teleporting to the hub from your island via the portal shouldn't be instant, it makes building around the area hard and since this is where most friendly mobs spawn at the start of your island you can be pushed in by them.

As a follow up, you either need to close off the portal in the hub or make it teleport back to your island as a newer player learning that it doesn't work kinda disappointed me.

5) continuous pop-up messages saying not to place near peoples builds. I know this is a basic anti-grief / rule reminder but on Skyblock is it necessary? Your secluded on your own island. (This only pops up placing a crafting table)

Now the positives:

1) The skyhub is beautiful all the different buildings and details, it makes me honestly sad that it doesn't get used as much as it should.

2) the idea of the portal to the hub is a unique Skyblock twist, I would love to see more unique twist to the server.

3) the community is amazing and always willing to help you, this is one of the things I keep coming back to wildercraft for as it's amazing and one of the reasons I stay.








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RE: [feedback] Skyblock server


Joined: over 4 years ago
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by Jackee2 » over 3 years ago

Vhista thank you so much for all this feedback you are amazing. For the first post we love the idea of having WilderSky be a stand alone server. We have forwarded this to the Skyblock Task Force for further discussion and planning. 

We almost overlooked your second post on this thread and will be discussing it soon. There is lots to review and we would like to give it the attention it deserves.

So that your ideas and feedback do not get overlooked or lost in the forums we strongly recommend that you create a new post when you have more to share. We love hearing from you and don't want to miss a thing!


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