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Blast Pick seems to be Bugged


Joined: over 5 years ago
17 topics
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by oogadabooga » over 3 years ago
1. A one-sentence summary of bug: 
I got a blast pick from the wilder crate, and when i used it it, the explosions sometimes only blew up 1 block or even none. I also leveled it up to lvl2 and it wen from stone to wood. 
2. Priority to fix? 
{High, Medium, Low}
3. Which server? 
{Spawn, Redwood, Cypress, Maple, Willow, Expanse, DungeonRun, Rush, Creative}
This happened on Willow, but i assume it affects all tree servers.
4. Steps to Reproduce: Please list the step-by-step methods to reproduce the issue
Get a blast pick from the wilder crate
Have TNT in your off hand and start minning untill you reach lvl 2
5. Expected Outcome: What did you expect to happen?
The pick should use tnt each time you mine a block and it the explosion should act like normal tht after the initial block is mined.
Uppon leveling up, it should say level 2 not 0 and it should say the number fo blokes required to mine to get to the next level rather than counting into negative numbers.
6. Actual Outcome: 
What happened instead?
The explosions were sometimes about 4 blocks, but most of the time it was either 3 or even 0.
when it reached lvl 2, it said it was lvl 0, -7 blocks till next level and went from a stone pick to a wood pick.
7. Proposed Fix (Optional): 
Do you have a suggestion?
Check the code for the "blocks till next level" counter. It seem to be counting down, but the starting number for it to start counting from doesnt seem to reset upon leveling up. 
check the code for Material upgrade, as it seems to be downgrading rather than upgrading.
8. Notes (Optional): 
Anything else we should keep in mind in relation to this issue?

9. Screenshots (Preferred): 
Do you have screenshots of the problem, proof or reference?
image of my current blast pick


RE: Blast Pick seems to be Bugged


Joined: over 7 years ago
139 topics
328 posts

by redbau » over 3 years ago

Whoops! I'll check this out, thanks ooga.

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