Disable rockets until the end opens


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by Dee_Lite » over 3 years ago

With the end not opening until later in the game to give people a chance to build, it puts people with wilderwings in a pay to win position. Finding rare locations on the tree servers, building, surviving; all of that is much easier with elytra. But people who don't pay have no way of getting them until the end opens, so it creates a big disparity between players with wilderwings and those without. The point of the Wilderwings is to have both armor and flight in one, not to access everything faster than the players that don't pay.

The easiest way to even the playing field is to disable rocket use for wilderwings until after the end is open.

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RE: Disable rockets until the end opens


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by redbau » over 3 years ago

Yes Dee, we have a plan for this and will be making an announcement later today. Thank you for the prompt!

RE: Disable rockets until the end opens


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by MrMagooAZ » over 3 years ago

I would think very carefully about this. I don't know how many Wilderwings have been purchased since S9 began, but I can tell you that if this policy was in place I probably would not have purchased the two I bought for my base partner and me last week, instead opting to wait for regular wings from The End. I haven't spoken to anyone else, but I would imagine that some folks would do the same. That's a source of revenue that the server needs to operate.

Some people choose to use their hard-earned RL dollars to help the server, and yes they help themselves. During week one, I purchased several items, including a Wilderaxe and a level-15 Wilderpick, but no wings. I've done the grind from zero many times, and not having to do that makes it more fun for me. I can get wood faster, does that give me an advantage? I can mine faster, does that give me an advantage? Yes it does. I ask respectfully, why does it matter? Why do players who pay to keep the lights on have to be pushed down to the same level as everyone else? I just don't see an upside here for the server.

Respecfully, just my two-cents.

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RE: Disable rockets until the end opens


Joined: over 4 years ago
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by Jackee2 » over 3 years ago

Thank you Dee_Lite we have in fact discussed this very suggestion! You make very valid points and we agree that this is something we should be looking at for next season. We hope we hear more wonderful suggestions and feedback from you in the future!

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