Welcome sign not working


Joined: over 4 years ago
19 topics
63 posts

by Yacob1 » over 3 years ago

1. A one-sentence summary of bug: 
My welcome sign on my island stops working after 3ish days
2. Priority to fix? 
{High, Medium, Low}
3. Which server? 
{Spawn, Redwood, Cypress, Maple, Willow, Expanse, DungeonRun, Rush, Creative}
4. Steps to Reproduce: 
Please list the step-by-step methods to reproduce the issue
THis only happens on my island, but place elcome sign and wait till it stops working
5. Expected Outcome: 
What did you expect to happen?
it never stops working
6. Actual Outcome: 
What happened instead?
it stops working
7. Proposed Fix (Optional): 
Do you have a suggestion?
no idea
8. Notes (Optional): 
Anything else we should keep in mind in relation to this issue?
This could happen due to that we changed who was island owner, dont know if that made it happen
9. Screenshots (Preferred): 
Do you have screenshots of the problem, proof or reference?

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