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Skyblock Teams


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20 topics
37 posts

by _Swagg_ » over 3 years ago
1. A one-sentence summary of bug: 
/ranks on skyblock says you can have 6 people in your team including you with maxed rank, but you can only invite 4 people so you have 5 total on your island. At the sky hub it even says 20 people...

2. Priority to fix? 
Low to Medium

3. Which server? 

4. Steps to Reproduce: 

When doing /sky team invite (with maxed rank and already 4 other people in your team) you get the message that your team is full when /ranks says otherwise.
5. Expected Outcome: 

That I could invite the last person on my island.
6. Actual Outcome: 

A message that my team is already full
7. Proposed Fix (Optional): 

Change the rank permissions or change the holograms and /ranks
8. Notes (Optional): /

9. Screenshots (Preferred): 





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