Dungeon Rooms Bug - Sugarplop


Joined: over 4 years ago
6 topics
28 posts

by sugarflop » over 3 years ago
1. Recently when you go to open a new dungeon door during the run where new access points should be opened it is just an obsidian wall- particularly in the run with the Slime in the room below. 
Then in some double rooms where the room should spawn below in- it does not so they cannot progress to the Mob Boss. Tnt seems to also not work where perhaps it should. 
Sewers run there are points that are dead ends which should not be- Replied by those who have done this run before. 
Known issue but still recurring: Dungeon Runs each key but not sending players.

2. Priority to fix?

3. Which server?

4. Steps to Reproduce: Join Dungeon Runs to see. 

5. Expected Outcome: The Dungeon run to be playable 100%

6. Actual Outcome: Unavoidable progress stopping. 

7. Proposed Fix (Optional): The Dungeons themselves- design to be edited- bug fixed. 

8. Notes (Optional): Sorry I do not have more information these are just my notes as I have had to /dungeonrun admin assist a lot of players out of these runs. And alot of keys refunded

9. Screenshots (Preferred): sorry- will add when next issue comes up. 


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