Odd post-death spawn point at /spawn


Joined: over 4 years ago
4 topics
10 posts

by RunaCam » over 3 years ago

1. A one-sentence summary of bug: Blacksmith2002 died and upon respawning ended up in the walls behind the areas near the expanse, creative, and minigame warps area

2. Priority to fix? Very Low

3. Which server? 
4. Steps to Reproduce: Not really sure how to reproduce, might've been a fluke?

5. Expected Outcome: Upon death, player would respawn in the "Feral Hole"

6. Actual Outcome: They respawned in an area that shouldn't be accesible to players

7. Proposed Fix (Optional): Not sure anything needs to be fixed right now, just wanted the issue documented for if it were to reoccur. The player can still type /spawn anyways so its no real problem.

8. Notes (Optional): She spawned in a hole, but if you were to rocket out you'd have access to most of the behind the walls areas of spawn, which is weird. Not really exploitable, however. 

9. Screenshots (Preferred): No sorry, 

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