Inventory Sync Across Servers Bug - Glass Pane Named "Loading.."


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by MrMagooAZ » over 3 years ago
I (and others) are seeing a very intermitent issue where we wind up with one or more glass panes in our inventory named "Loading..."

The issue happens very infrequently.  It's only happened to me 3 or 4 times since S8 started, but I have heard reports of it happening to others.

I have seen in chat where others have had this happen and report minor items...rockets or wood...replaced...and I don't think those issues are being reported.

We have been told by Mods that this only occurs for empty slots. 

While I cannot be sure, I think this happened to me last night and replaced an item in my inventory. I usually carry one or more Crafting Tables in my inventory, but that slot was replaced with the glass. To be honest, it is possible that I ran out of crafting tables...they are unimportant...I usually carry several, and will throw one down for use and sometimes leave it (intentionally or unintentionally). 

I am concerned that this could be replacing items. When it does occur, I see the Mods asking "Is anything missing?" to which the answer is sometimes "I'm not sure." 

I would be happy to help troubleshoot this issue, but I'm unsure how to help. It happens infrequently.  I *think* that many of the times it has happened to me it's been right after a server reboot, but I could not swear to it.

Last edited: over 3 years ago

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