Publish ALL rules


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by Paladinscurse » over 3 years ago
I have recently had problems with some rules not being available in all places, when you do /rules there is only 7 rules displayed, but many are unspoken. I understand that common sense should be used, but if it's not publicly posted as a rule, it isn't a rule. I have almost been banned for killing a player before (as a joke ofc) but I cannot find a rule that says not to kill players anywhere. It would be greatly appreciated to have a full rule list at spawn or at /localspawn.

RE: Publish ALL rules


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by ChukkTheDukk » over 3 years ago
I agree with this, alot of the 'rules' are extremely unclear, and whenever I break an unwritten rule and get warned for it, I ask a mod or helper to show me where it says I can't do whatever it is, and 90% of the time they don't have an answer for me.

Last edited: over 3 years ago

RE: Publish ALL rules


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by Awkwardbowman » over 3 years ago
I'm all for having the rules listed as clearly as possible, but keep in mind that there's a lot that would need to be constantly updated as players try to find exploits or loopholes to them. Even with just the Tech portions, I can't list every single thing with perfect clarity as to what you can and cannot build together in an area.

But in particular relating to killing another player, I would personally assume that's a given on a server that desribes itself as a "friendly no-grief" server that has PVP disabled and that has additional plugins specifically against PVP damage. I would also say that killing another player (and causing them to lose levels, armor durability, potentially items etc.) intentionally would be considered a form of griefing. 

So just keep in mind that, even if we do try to list them explicitly, there will be plenty of revisions. There's a significant difference in Rules as Written vs. Rules as Intended and as the community grows, the rules will adapt to match them. It may simply be more useful to help us identify which rules you are being told you break that are not clearly communicated, and then we could focus upon improving those rules for clarity instead.

But I do support the idea of having much more clear rules written. For example:
A much more detailed version of an updated set of /farms rules that will be released likely with the 1.16 update (TBD)

RE: Publish ALL rules


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by Paladinscurse » over 3 years ago
While I understand that it requires a lot of effort, there is still barely anything written on /rules, where everything should be written.  

RE: Publish ALL rules


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by Tolcum » over 3 years ago
In my opinion, /rules should go to an easily maintained forum post, not try to list everything in game. As far as having a more comprehensive list, I'm in support of that. I think any list of rules can't ever be complete, though, and there's a difference between the letter and spirit of the law. You're playing on a public server that other people use, don't do lag inducing things on purpose. I doubt there's a rule about not chunk banning, but honestly, you should know better. Those kinds of things. If someone were to chunk ban, and then ask "where's the rule against it" I hope they'd be laughed at. 

Does “Be nice” adequately cover a large amount of ground? Should it? Do we really need to say “Don’t kill people” as a rule? 
I do get it, and think there’s room for improvement. Cookie was spoken to the other day on Redwood for advertising. She was copy-pasting her shop's details every 20 minutes in chat. It was a bit excessive. But then, a few hours later, someone else was offering his chickens every 5 minutes, but it wasn’t copy paste, and no one said anything. Cookie asked what gives, and you know, I get her confusion. Having more clearly defined parameters around what constitutes “spamming” may be good, but then also invites a person to paste an advert at exactly every allowed interval, essentially giving them permission to “spam” within the “rules” rather than letting mods gauge the feel of chat at the time, and address them kind of as needed.

I see both sides. Asking for clarity is okay, asking for an expanded list of rules that covers most things is good. I just think hoping for “ALL” rules is a bit much, as many things will fall under larger categories. Taking note of the things that have been vague in the past would really go a long way to making a more comprehensive list, as some rules just may not be needed until something is a problem. 

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RE: Publish ALL rules


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by Worzyy » over 3 years ago
Hi! Thanks for your contribution - and apologies in the delay getting back to you!

The rules team has just published an extensive list here:

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