Shop Chest Message Bug (Sequoia)


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by globdom » over 3 years ago
1. A one-sentence summary of bug: 

Every time I log onto sequoia, it sends me a message telling me to set a shop warp even after I broke my shop chest and sign.

2. Priority to fix? {High, Medium, Low} Low

3. Which server? {Spawn, Redwood, Cypress, Maple, Willow, Expanse, DungeonRun, Rush, Creative} Sequoia

4. Steps to Reproduce: Please list the step-by-step methods to reproduce the issue

Placed chest and sign, on the sign followed the standard procedure to sell an item by writing $ on one line, the name, etc. I believe right after I saw that I was unable to make a shop warp I ended up breaking the chest and the sign. The message telling me to set a shop warp keeps showing up whenever I login to the game and am on sequoia or I travel to sequoia from another server.

5. Expected Outcome: What did you expect to happen? I expected the message to disappear once I broke the sign and chest.

6. Actual Outcome: What happened instead? Keep getting the message. 

7. Proposed Fix (Optional): Do you have a suggestion? If a shop chest were to be created by a Mythic, please disable that constant reminder to use the /set$ for the chest, as they have no access to that command. For me personally though, I would like that message to go away as there is no reason for it to keep popping up for a shop chest that does not exist since I broke it. 

8. Notes (Optional): Anything else we should keep in mind in relation to this issue?

9. Screenshots (Preferred): Do you have screenshots of the problem, proof or reference?

Last edited: over 3 years ago

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