Move shops to local spawns for S9


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by Bluesnowflake » over 3 years ago
Spawn is currenttly too large and with so many spawn shops, its hard to navigate. A lot of shops also means the market breaks so quickly, meaning prices are already too cheap. Moving shops to localspawns would mean players can get to the shops easily without waiting to move servers, or risk leaving and not being able to get back onto the server if its full. This would also mean prices are slightly better as each server will have its own economy even with inventory sync, as people are way too lazy too look through six servers for a cheap price and instead will just buy in their localspawns.

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RE: Move shops to local spawns for S9


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by Shelbyy__ » over 3 years ago
This would prevent players from finding the best deals, exactly what theyre looking for (as not every server will sell everything) and make time alot more stressfule for builders, who will need to build 6 different large spawns instead, staff who will need to grant plots in every server, and players needing to naviagte every server if they want to find something. Will aslo bring in use of rewuiring  a tp eye to get home rather than going back with /go for free. 
Having a central spawn keeps shops organized and all in one place, which i think many people would prefer. The use of commands like /search$ make it easy to navigate.

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RE: Move shops to local spawns for S9


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by ML_Paladin » over 3 years ago
If we were to continue having end portals at spawn in s9 then use of a tp eye would be mitigated by going into the end and back through the return portal as long as they are currently nearby where their respawn point is prior to heading to the shops.

RE: Move shops to local spawns for S9


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by daisysolo » over 3 years ago
Shelby brings up great points with using /localspawn instead of /spawn and then requiring a eye to go home which prevents players from wanting to use player shops. I also think it is way more efficient when we have a global spawn versus season 6. when we had cypress and redwood it was hard to maintain 2 functioning spawns.

There are factors we need to consider: 

1. Events.
        From event-team made events to server wide events, they are generally hosted in /spawn and brings the community together. Would there still be a "global spawn" if just for events? What would be the purpose of it? Only events? Ruby Dragon? What incentivizes players stay or even use spawn right now? Mainly shops. 

2. Maintenance. 
        How would we keep 6 localspawns maintained and continually checked for shop upkeep, moderation, etc the same way that we do with the current global spawn. 

3. Community. 
    One big thing that has helped members get to know each other is through shop interactions that disconnects them from the server world. How do we keep this if limiting shops to a local world prevents exploration and a growing community?

+ Others that I can't think of right now off the top of my head. 

Now.. that doesn't mean that we don't recognize that the size / demand is far too big so that brings up potential solutions/plans: 

1. Keep a global spawn; 
    PROS: Community! Togetherness, makes more sense, easier for moderation, easier to maintain shop upkeep, easier for new players to find things, etc. 
    CONS: Size limitation, shops are far apart to allot for more room, etc. Too many plots makes it hard to navigate 

2. Have 6 spawns [Blue] 
    PROS: Individual community engagement, more room for space and plots to be made, potentially easier navigation. 
    CONS: Moderation, community, EOT cost, etc. (listed above) 

3. New Idea: 2 Global Spawns for Season 9. So we have 6 servers, the idea I am proposing (which I'm not entirely a fan of but I guesss I need to come to terms with the fact that our playerbase might be too large for one global spawn) is two global spawns that each funnels into 3 servers. For example: 

Global Spawn 1: Maple, Redwood, Cypress 
Global Spawn 2: Willow, Sequoia, Elm 

The global spawns would be identical but host their own ruby dragons, events, etc. It would divide the community but it feels like the only combination that connects the two worlds of ideas that would allow for more space + be a medium point. There's a lot to figure out with this idea though, would it be cross inventory? Would that be a rank perk (That you get to cross inventory if you're colossal?) But this seems better to have two landscapes for shop plots versus 6 and still having a global spawn makes events and other things easier. 

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RE: Move shops to local spawns for S9


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by _Swagg_ » over 3 years ago
Well I think Shelby's idea is great.
Blue said that some prices drop quick in the season but i dont think moving shops all over the server is going to help that.
I think nerving some stuff would keep certain prices up since the items are harder to find; for example there are 6 end worlds now so thats alot of shulkers and elytra's, if you bring it down to 2 or max 3 end worlds the prices for those things would stay higher.
I still think Wildertools, and the spawneggs you can put into spawners make things OP. You can make a witch spawner now, but in vanilla mc you need to find a witch hut that spawns witches and make a big farm for it to be efficient; you need to put alot more effort into it.
Same with endermen spawners if they are still a thing. I think the 1x use eggs are cool for like cosmetic stuff, like a polarbear or panda,... but not for farm purposes.

To keep the prices down i think the custom Wilder items might need a nerf.

RE: Move shops to local spawns for S9


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by MrMagooAZ » over 3 years ago
I would love to see a better way for sellers to list what they have for sale and for sellers to search what is available.  The current limit on the desc of 256 characters...well...251 such a pain.  I can't list everything I sell and that costs me sales.  

Once you get that, then it doesn't matter where the shops are.  Maybe they are at /Spawn, /LocalSpawn, or just a shop at someone's base.


RE: Move shops to local spawns for S9


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by MrMagooAZ » over 3 years ago
I have a radical suggestion for shops.


Don't have individual shops.

Instead, create ONE marketplace...or one marketplace on each server that feeds into ONE Wilder Marketplace.

Allow players to put items up on the market for sale.  Ranks can have different numbers of items for sale.  No chests to hold the items.  You bring an item/stack/shulker of something, create a sale listing for it, the item is taken from you and listed on the market.

One list for everyone to search through.
No 256 character limit on shop desc
You can pull an item off the market at any time
Could also be merged with an Auction functionality.  Or do an Auction House separate.

Players can search ONE market list, find the items they want, buy them, and go back to their base.

The more I think about this, the more I think this is it's own suggestion.  I'm going to create a separate post for this.

Last edited: over 3 years ago

RE: Move shops to local spawns for S9


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by Olghar » over 3 years ago
I wouldn't want to remove shops as they are a way for ppl to show their talent and creativity. Although I would like a serch system like the action house in world of Warcraft were you can list your item and ppl can find items by price but when clicking the seller you get to his shop.

RE: Move shops to local spawns for S9


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by Yacob1 » over 3 years ago
Some other ways to implement this could be to still have shops at spawn but also have shops at each local spawn, but the way to get them at local spawn is with playtime and not rank. So if /stats gets fixed a player on cypress has 40 hours loged, they then would get 1 chest, 70 hours 2 chest, 100 hours a small plot. This would make it so the person would have to be active member on that world to be able to sell stuff. 
The time played can always get changed just using those numbers to show how it could work.

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