Change in the Wildercrate Key.


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by MrTrixer » over 3 years ago
I bought 16 wildercoins and 1 wildercrate key from the shop tonight, I've thought long and hard on what I wanted and how to get them with the budget I had. I wanted a WilderAxe and a Pigaxe for the extra spawner I found in the nether.

When I bought the key I thought that you could go up to the crate and just take the item you wanted in exchange for the key.

When I clicked the Pigaxe, the system randomized the reward for me and gave me the Deep Diver, the turtle hat.

I was really angry about wasting my money on something I really don't need (i live in the mountains.) so I went back to the store to see if there were some ways to complain and either get my money back or the pigaxe I needed. that's when I saw the description next to the bold text of the wildercrate key.

I can't complain and get my money back nor can I get the item I want because it say in the description that it is random...

My suggestion, no, my 2 suggestions here.
Either delete the randomized part and let us take the items we need, OR, use the bold outline on the more important stuff so that people won't do the same mistake i did. mark the "random special item" part instead of the "1x WilderCrate Key" part, the name is not important here, the effect is.

Considering that it cost 7.50$ instead of 5$ I didn't even suspect that this slightly more expensive key would be a randomized RNGJesus tool. If I knew this then I wouldn't have even bothered buying the key and tried to save up for an actual spawner instead.
Things are quite rough during the Corona times and I don't really have that much money to use on games as I used to, this purchase hurt, a lot. And I want something here to change, for the fairness of us who support the server.

Best regards

RE: Change in the Wildercrate Key.


Joined: over 4 years ago
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by agentbbn » over 3 years ago
I thought the same, but before purchasing, found out it was randomized. I didn't care, though, so I bought it and used it, and got "zeus's sword" (name probably wrong, but the golden sword that only electrified pigs at the time). I was unsatisfied, but it was fair. I think that maybe you have 2 options: a cheaper, randomized key, and a more expensive, selection key. This will make it more balanced and provide more options

diamond.png x 1

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