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Skyblock Island Competiton!


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by MrTrixer » over 3 years ago
Skyblock is about to get reset, there is no set date but it will probably happen soon and all of our progress will get erased.
That's kind of sad, isn't it?

My suggestion, how about having a competition with different genres?

The most beautiful island, the most practical, the smartest design, interesting builds, best mob-farm, the staff team's personal favorites, etc.
All of these themes and maybe more would make it feel like "it was worth all my hard work to make this." even if only for a short time.

As for the prices, how about giving the winner an extra 10 dirt, sand or maybe even gravel? The runner up can get 3 respective 1 dirt, gravel sand, etc to start their new island with.

Why should we have different themes in this competition of yours?
Why? because everyone has their different goals of building in Skyblock, there are those who compare themselves with others and don't think that their island is as "good" as the other player's island. But each to their own, there are many islands that I think are even better than mine and I often hear people saying the same about my island. (The grass is always greener on the other island..)
I simply would like to give everyone a fair chance to compete in at least one of the different themes that might pop up.

Ok, but the prices could be a bit too much of a headstart when the new season begins don't you think?
Not at all, the prices are all blocks that are easily obtained either through voting, challenges, or through pure effort. At most the winners might get materials that most players could get within 20-30 min of working a cobble generator.

Hm, let's go with that for now. But why should we give out prices when a simple congratulation would do?
The reason why I would want to present the winners with a small bonus at the start of the new season is to promote their competitive spirits and encourage them to do their best with what they have, this won't just affect the winners, the one who didn't make it will see this competition and try to build something new that fits their taste. It could turn into a good motivation if we managed to make this into an annual thing for the Skyblock Season Finale.
Besides, it makes it feel like the effort was worth it if you're holding the prize in your own hands. :)

This is a lot of work to deal with, are you gonna help us with all this?

Hey, I'm just making the suggestion here. I'm lazy by nature and I have a vacation to enjoy and spend before going back to work, I probably won't be online that much either when its time for season 1 to begin.
I'm sorry in advance. ^^"

Any suggestions? Please leave a reaction or write a comment below.

Last edited: over 3 years ago

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