Issues With Tamed wolves


Joined: over 4 years ago
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by capndiln » over 3 years ago
1. A one-sentence summary of bug: Tamed wolves seem to teleport, sit, and follow inconsistently

2. Priority to fix? Probably Low

3. Which server? Redwood

4. Steps to Reproduce: KaedonX06 on redwood reported their dogs going missing or showing up in strange places. tps was close to 10, the player reportedly had about 50 dogs, and their base had a lot of sheep and cows in a pen as well

5. Expected Outcome: Dogs teleport and follow as player moves, sitting and staying when right clicked

6. Actual Outcome: Dogs seem to teleport unexpectedly, sometimes showing up in a sitting position at random places on the map

7. Proposed Fix (Optional): Do you have a suggestion?

8. Notes (Optional): Anything else we should keep in mind in relation to this issue?

9. Screenshots (Preferred): Do you have screenshots of the problem, proof or reference?

RE: Issues With Tamed wolves


Joined: over 5 years ago
34 topics
149 posts

by Awkwardbowman » over 3 years ago
Once TPS drops below 10, the anti-lag plugin expands to include even tamed mobs as a precaution. That may be causing some of the issues you experienced. However, it shouldn't be random, it should have a more noticable impact. Interacting with them should cause them to unfreeze temporarily, but they may be selected to freeze again if TPS is still suffering. 

Assuming I can check and verify that tamed mobs aren't having a significant contribution to TPS, we can remove/lower the requirment for this type of interaction.

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