-*- WILDER WONDER pt.2..... -*-


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by daisysolo » over 4 years ago
Hiya! If y'all remember the first Wilder Wonder, it was a one year old post full of love and memories from all the players reminiscinig on why they love Wildercraft. Sadly, the post got deleted so I wanted to start up a new thread.

Nearing the end of the season so if everyone could just post one memory on why they love Wildercraft or what made them stay here, or whatever has made them happy! Maybe it was a player, maybe an event, maybe a whole server, maybe red! Who knows!

It saddens me that we don't have the old posts anymore but it's okay- time to make some new memories! 

<3 <3 <3 

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RE: -*- WILDER WONDER pt.2..... -*-


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by WolfNations » over 4 years ago
So sad the first thread got deleted, anyways let's start a new chain of good memories!

Again, my most tresured memory is when i became part of the awesome group known as build team, it's a long story but well...

I first joined towards the end of season 5, back then it was my first time playing on a survival minecraft server, so everything was rather new, in fact, Minecraft itself was new to me (at least Java edition). I am and have always been a rather shy person overall, but the comunnity was so nice and welcoming! I stayed a little away for some time dealing with some issues before returning during season 6, after that i never stopped again, I still remeber my first contact with build team.

Asking around the chat for ideas to build, a member, Choky (thank you very much ♥) helped me come with an idea to add to my base and also praised my work. until then i didnt really consider my build skills to be anything really that good, mostly just decent. but after that i began sharing my work on discord, some time later Choky reaches to me again, this time talking about the build team and encouraging me to apply, one more time i was not confident but she said i should try and I'm very thankful i did, i've met some wonderful, cool, nice and talented people there, and i love to be able to help the server, Red is amazing. I dont think anyone can say otherwise, this server is wonderful, he community awesome and i'm glad i choose it so much time ago, love and hugs to everyone ♥. (dont worry, those are safe distance hugs :])

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RE: -*- WILDER WONDER pt.2..... -*-


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by deadgardenrose » over 4 years ago
Joined back in the beginning of season 5, great times.
I remember making my first castle on the server it was nothing much but me and my friends really liked it.
I hope everyone is making as great memories as I did :)

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RE: -*- WILDER WONDER pt.2..... -*-


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by MrTrixer » over 4 years ago
WilderCraft Wonder memorial day
Season 7

Hm, i haven't been here for long but on my first day, i died and dropped all of my stuff in a cave.

I had the coordinates and i wanted both my cave back, my items back, and revenge on the zombie that got into my (not so much) mob-proofed cave.

The journey took me over 4 hours to complete, during those 4 hours i got in touch with the community, i did a bunch of wilder warps, gathered rare resources that i couldn't find in my first Snowy Taiga Biome, and saw so many wonderful buildings and bases during my journey.

After making a load of friends and players that happily shared their knowledge of the server and food with me i finally found my biome, back then it wasn't as populated with visitors as it is today so the chunk was still unloaded, my items were all there and the zombie that killed me had most of my stuff on him.

I bashed him against the wall and gave him a beating of his life! Then i picked my stuff up, put them in a chest and then fixed the leak where the zombie came in from before setting up a home spawn point so i could get back if i ever died again.

It might not have been the most perfect start but i enjoyed it none the less, and thanks to all the supporting people i got back up on my feets and now im a (donated rank) Pathfinder on WilderCraft Maple Server, helping people out whenever i can. :)

Thank you for creating such a beautiful server and community everyone!

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RE: -*- WILDER WONDER pt.2..... -*-


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by thederpypikachu » over 4 years ago
Every time I think about the fact that I only have ever seen season 7, and that I joined sometime around January or February (can’t remember exactly when), I can hardly believe that it’s now May and s8 is right around the corner. I remember finding Wildercraft on a list of “survival” servers, and selecting it because it was the only one that didn’t allow griefing or stealing, and it had that gorgeous picture of the season 6 spawn and a very positive review. I remember joining and picking Willow because I love willow trees, and being very confused. I remember gladhert helping me and giving me golden carrots, and offering me a place in his hidden valley, and I remember him spooking me as he flew over to my base and dropping armor or food or random blocks on me while I was farming or building. I remember when I moved further from spawn so I could build more and have more space, he got upset and wanted me to help him with his valley (and I helped with the walls around your farm :P glad). I remember ORANGE and a bunch of other players telling me to apply for helper because I welcomed players and offered help constantly, and being absolutely terrified before just smacking “submit” and not thinking about it for a week.

Now I have so many friends that I never would have met if not for Wildercraft, and who I can’t imagine not knowing.

Daisy, who is so sweet and so kind, who laughed with me, who cried with me, who taught me so much about myself, who I would fly irl to her if she needed me, even in a pandemic, who encourages me and helps me learn how to keep organized, and who I consider my best friend. I love you Daisy! <3

Beck, who welcomed me as a friend with open arms, who accepted me and encouraged me to talk and have fun even though I was scared because I felt like a child, who checked in with me and made sure I was okay, who absolutely terrified me after she sent me “Do you have a moment to talk?” and then it turns out it wasn’t something bad, who let me help with her expanse base because I was bored.

Blue, who put up with my nerves while training me for both helper and mod training, who laughed and taught me commands, who was patient and didn’t mind if I messed up, who cracks me up when he rants about the dumb thing us Americans do and say (and he’s not wrong), who messes with people’s names for a joke and waits for them to notice.

Luke, who taught me a much better way to build custom trees, who sat in a Discord call with me until, what, 2 am I think, after everyone else who had been in the call for an adventure map had left, and we were messing around on a creative world, and I showed him my terraformed cave and he showed me a redstone jumpscare machine, who has a great taste in music and who always says hello when I join calls or log into Minecraft, who asks for my opinion on builds even though I’m not on Build Team and everything he builds looks great.

Kat, who my first memory of is timid little peddler Pika, asking for help with a shop chest, and her being so bubbly and kind and taking me to an open peddler chest, who invited me to play Jackbox games and who sends funny memes, who sent so many pictures of cats when pets were being discussed.

Poffy, who answers my questions, and who is patient with me during meetings when I’m stressed and nervous and terrified to say things, who has helped me learn and grow as a team leader, who gave me building advice and was patient every time I asked her to come look and see if something I built looked okay, who let me sit and listen to music quietly with her at random times of the day.

Swoven, who encourages me to talk and have fun, and who first invited me to be more outgoing by joining voice calls and games and who invited me to watch a movie one night with friends, who has an amazing singing voice, who let me chase him across spawn for hours one night as he desperately hunted his last couple eggs for the Wilderhunt, who is patient with me and helped me come out of my little turtle shell of shyness.

Lin, who never fails to make me smile with her singing, whose jokes crack me up, who likes to hop into voice chats shouting and excited and full of energy, and if we can’t be just as excited, she complains about ruining her vibe and leaving, who always is so funny and loves her minecraft rat skin.

Jule, who is so patient with me when I complain about math, who offers me help with math homework if I need it, who loves the same kind of music that I do and who had a long conversation with me about said music, who is so nice and so helpful.

Shelby, who is so funny and so much fun to be around, who I joined as an “owo” friend for a month, who learned how to be a mod alongside me, who I can joke around with and run around, who asked me to build a boat but I completely forgot about that until this very second oops sorry Shelby, who shares a birthday with me so we’re gonna party virtually together.

Alyceia, who I can’t spell her name, who’s green hair is so pretty, who always makes me laugh and is so sweet, who made me a whole birthday box like 3 weeks before my actual birthday, who puts up with my spastic typing and horrible spelling.

Emma, who I tease/encourage endlessly about someone (you know EXACTLY who I mean Emma), who plays guitar and sings like an angel, who lets me sit in with her in voice chats, who messes around and makes me laugh while I try to terraform hills, who never sleeps and laughs so much and is just so bubbly.

Capndiln, who was the best mod buddy I could ever ask for, who was patient when I asked odd questions, who helped me when I first became a mod, who is so quiet and never talks on voice chat and I’ve only heard his voice once, who works so hard and does so much for the server.

Ralphie, who let me chat with him and blab about adventure maps and who let me test some fun games he was working on, who invited me to join event team, who helped me when my sister did something wonky with the egg hunt and he fixed it for her, who enjoys everyone’s ideas and works so well with the event team, who joined the Skyblock team and who is so excited about it, who is so helpful and encouraging.

Coral, who absolutely terrified me when he first talked to me but who I know now is so kind and so helpful, who works so hard with Red on code for Wilder, who is working on helping sync commands and code for Skyblock, who spooked me and messed with me by promoting me to owner, demoting me to helper, and promoting me back to mod on Skyblock one night all in the span of like 10 minutes, who is so understanding and patient with everyone.

All of the staff and team members, for working so hard to support and keep Wildercraft running, who builds and tests and codes and creates and everything and anything, who works together to do some absolutely amazing things.

The players, who made it possible for Wildercraft to exist in the first place, who donate and support the server, who vote hundreds, if not thousands of times a day, who have helped the server grow, who work together and appreciate the hard work that goes into the server, who play Minecraft as a community, not as solo players.

And finally, Redbau, the man himself, who is responsible for Wilder itself, who began it all, who keep the server going even with all of the work he does behind the scenes and with irl stuff, who checked in with me to see how I was doing as a helper, who is being so patient with me as I learn how to run the Skyblock team, who is working so hard to prepare for Wildercraft season 8 and Skyblock’s release, who writes code and attends meetings and fixes bugs and everything and anything, who is the whole reason Wildercraft is still around and growing ever bigger.

(Phew. This was like an hour of typing. Also managed to delete half of it in the middle of it so it’s been through a couple drafts.)

Thank you all for being part of Wildercraft!

RE: -*- WILDER WONDER pt.2..... -*-


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by WiktorsDark » over 4 years ago
My most treasured memory of Wilder is when I first joined whilst the Egg Hunt was still going on and it gave me a sense of such belonging and care in some cases. It was truly the best event on any server I've been on. Thank you season 7 we will never forget you! I also am so excited for season 8!

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