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Wilder Tool Chat Spam and Breaking


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by ralphiemac » over 4 years ago
Title: Wilder Tool Chat Spam and Breaking
Summary: When a player uses a wildercopia or wildershears, the chat is flooded with "xp gain" and "amount tool is damaged", and the tool breaks at an accelerated rate. This chat is visible to all players. 

Priority and Severity:

Redwood (Most likely cypress too)

Steps to Reproduce:
Use wildershears/wildercopia to harvest relative materials. 

Expected Outcome:
No text displays when you harvest, and tool deteriorates at normal rate.

Actual Outcome:
Chat is spammed every time a crop is hit, and the tool breaks at a much faster rate. 

Keyhole was using wildershears, while gordan513 and Captain_Princeps were using wildercopias. Captain_Princeps' 
wildercopia broke from the accelerated rate, as seen in the 4th screenshot with the negative durability. 



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