Staggered Events - 3 Times, 8 Hours Apart


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by Awkwardbowman » over 2 years ago

This one's pretty straight forward. Anytime we have an event, have some instance of it 8 hours later and 16 hours later to ensure some global range of availability. 


One example: The End opening. Whoever happens to be available at 11am PST (my version of 2pm EST), gets quite the advantage. For the future, if we had each server open at an 8 hour offset, that'd be a lot nicer for some people. Being available at 11am PST during a week day is not always something I can do. Being available 8 hours later at 7pm, that's a lot more feasible. For our friends in Europe, another 8 hours later would be before noon on a Weekend. Sounds much more friendly for equal access.


Ideally something similar is applied to all events that have some advantage to being available. So things like the hourly Leprechaun for Saint Patricks, not needed. Starting the Halloween/Easter hunts that last dayssss, not needed. But first dragon (and only dragon eggs) and limited, non-renewable cities with non-renewable elytra? Definitely. 

Alternatively, we could use a resource world... but that's the next post ;)

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